One of these things isn’t like the other…

I am a huge fan of ankle-boots.   A few years ago, not so much.  Well, a few more than a few years ago to be exact.  Pre-motherhood I was all about the knee high boot (cause damn girl, you look hot in knee highs right?) but that was about it.  Ankle boots didn’t come into my line of sight.  I thought they were a bit old fashioned, and truth be told they probably were a decade ago.

But once motherhood hit and my sky high heels didn’t really cut the mustard at my mothers coffee group, I had a change of heart.

There were nerves – “what about the cankles?” I screamed inwardly, “what about my thick calves?” I sighed. But that was the BS talking.  Cankles and calves be damned, I wanted to look stylish, walk around easily, not poke my toddler in the eye with a stiletto and actually feel fashion fit.

So I branched out, it was fun and it was fabulous.  Suddenly the cankles I thought I had were hidden (they aren’t really there) by a gorgeous little boot.  The other great thing about ankle boots is that they are summer and winter ready.  They look amazing with shorts, skirts and dresses in summer and then double up with tights in the winters and hey presto, a new key look.

IMG_8188 And then I became enraptured with the Chloe Susannah Boot but at a cool $1800+ (NZ )it wasn’t high on priorities.  Well it was, but you know, common sense prevailed before I hit “buy now”.

But it got me thinking about trends and not always wanting to pay the heavy price of designer ones.  I love a bit of both, high end fashion statement options and a few bits and pieces from the high street that support that high end look.

So I hunted out some look-a-likes.  Ones that I knew would satisfy my lust for this particular look, but fully aware that I wasn’t likely to keep them in my wardrobe for years.  I was delighted to find quite a few options out there, but finally settled on these Rubi Boots.


I feel chuffed to find a pair of boots that I really like, are comfortable, make me feel rockabilly chic and a little bit country.  I like that I did my homework, tried on several options, settled on the one that looked most like my original hearts desire and boom!  I got the boots.  Happy girl.

So now my wardrobe has a few pairs of ankle boots, including my buckled, bedazzled splendid soles – helping me to walk confidently in any occasion.  My hubby is even talking about buying me a pair of high-top sneakers this year (I will report back if this happens).  If you see him, tell I am keen on the REEBOK high top, just like the ones my mum rocked back in the 80’s.  😉

Get yourselves suited and booted my sisters.

mmmmwaaaaah  EJ x

From the featured image – clockwise from top left:
Chloe Susannah Boot approx. $1800NZ – check out Polyvore for more styles.
Wittner Jerome Boot $249 AU
Rubi Lloyd Boot $69.95 NZ
ASOS Arrive Boot $84 NZ



High Fives for the top Five

I remember it like it was yesterday.  One of my (many) step-sisters, a style icon in classic black and I were having a discussion over a brandy.  I had long admired her flair with fashion and eagerly listened as she imparted her wisdom to me.  We talked about building up a capsule wardrobe.

I was in my very early thirties and was starting to cement my own style, an individual approach as opposed to a crowd-sourcing one. I was intrigued though, how could a person on a limited budget do a capsule wardrobe – I mean, how posh!  But oh how wrong I was.  Rather than dictating brands, my sister from another mister was talking about the ideas, the key pieces that would see a girl through anything.  Pairing one piece from a capsule wardrobe with a high street find, or a fast fashion fix, could turn that outfit into a winning one, perhaps a lasting one.

She also suggested that by buying key pieces, to mix and match with my wardrobe, I would be doing 2 things – save money (by not buying needless items to match – buy once, and buy well) and 2) saving time (by having key pieces at the ready, every morning, without thought you know what you have as base options for your outfit.)

Here, I have tried to replicate this for you, my sisters in style.  You may already have some in your wardrobe, so give yourself a pat on the back and make sure you bring them out of the closet and into the sunshine tomorrow.

Here’s my top 5 capsule wardrobe ideas:

  1. The Structured jacket – to pair over everything that follows.  It doesn’t have to be black (but I recommend having one of those in your closet too) just choose a jacket with structure.  This piece then has the ability to blend in at work or stand out in a casual crowd.
  2. The go-to Skirt  –  Try a Tube skirt – I promise they are your friend – hip hugging and tight(ish) it can create a great silhouette and elongate your torso.  It’s your friend girls, I promise.  Even for those of us with gorgeous curves – you will rock this!  Support those curves!
  3. A Dress or Jump Suit  – Something classically cut, that you can make work double-time by wearing it to work or a party /event. Like this little ASOS number I picked up a couple of years ago.  For work I add a black jacket and to take into the night, I rock’n roll it up with a leather jacket.
  4. The Scarf  – choose a soft fabric that can drape around the neck and not add bulk.  Scarves can add colour, act like a piece of jewellery and have the added benefit of warming you up!  For scarf-tying amazingness, check out this video  I found on YouTube.
  5. A statement Coat – house coat, trench or a statement wonder-number like this Sass and Bide coat. This coat caught my eye in Sydney last year, on a girl’s trip.  I left it behind in the store, (after picking up this pair of amazing sequinned pants (a story for another time) but never forgot about it.  Then my gorgeous friend text me to say “guess what I just found” with a photo of the coat on sale – half price in fact.  Well after I saw that, I just had to have it!


So you see sisters, these pieces, act like layers, one piece of a style puzzle, to bring you an awesome outfit, daily.

Try something new out of your wardrobe tomorrow, by pairing it with one of your own ‘capsule’ options.

Let me know how you get on.
