I did a workshop and I liked it.

In the words of the flamboyant Katy Perry, I kissed a girl and I liked it.  I mean I didn’t, but I hosted a workshop with six women and I LOVED it.  Same same?

This post is a little bit about taking action in your biz, a smaller bit about being brave and just freaking doing it, but mostly it’s about female empowerment and helping women feel fantastic.

It was a success, it was joyful.  The sisters I had in the room were all there to learn a thing or two and they were there to build their other sisters up and collaborate as a group.  It was a beautiful thing let me tell you.

But what really struck me, is the power of the female collective.  We are a strong bunch individually, but together we truely soar.  The energy that bounced off the walls last night threw out such great energising vibes, that despite my tiredness at the end of the night, I couldn’t sleep for the thinking and the smile on my face.

This vlog I posted on Facebook about my “Let’s Workshop It” style workshop blew up with activity and I have just booked the next workshop from that one post.


So you see sisters, by taking an action and booking in the first workshop, talking boldly about it and sucking up the nerves, so far up inside they weren’t that visable, I created a space for women to feel confident and share their thoughts on being brave with style, in a safe, happy group environment.

This is a tribe, a collective of women who want to look as good as they feel on the inside and share it out to the world.  Get on board sisters.  Style is about who you are inside, exuding from you.  Whether you’re a bohemian, a bombshell, an active wear enthusiast, a creative daring go getter or a classicist with flair in fashion, you all have a place to shine.


EJ  x  The mother of the Sisterhood of Style x


A glimpse of me in action – when I put my hair in a bun, I mean business – that or I am having a hot flash x