The Joy of a Jumpsuit

Playsuit, jumpsuit, all in one, onsie, pantsuit.  Whatever floats your boat babes, but these puppies are awesome.  I have a couple of jumpsuits and even though one of them requires a helper to get in and out of and someone to come to the toilet with me, I would wear them everyday if I could.

Why?  Well before you think I am batshit cray cray, hear me out.  It’s a one piece, there’s not much more to say, not much more to wear (except maybe a tee underneath, a kaftan for coverage or a leather jacket for awesome). They can look great on most shapes and sizes. End. Of. Story.

Here’s my top 5 that I’d love in my wardrobe this Spring.

Sass and Bide  Eye popping and stunning and see through and saucy and it’s on sale.  Sass and Bide makes my eyes and heart sing and I have a hard time saying no.  This would work perfectly for a wedding or glitzy party.

TopShop  This blush pink jumpsuit is the colour of Spring 2016 and it’s perfect. If I had razor sharp shoulder blades and smaller boobs, I would run toward this puppy like a puppy thing, but I don’t, so I won’t. But you should.

Glassons Totally on trend off the shoulder number fits the bill on price and on colour – navy.  Tres bien.

Ezibuy – freakishly awesome white jumpsuit that should not be worn around kids,  cause tom sauce won’t be a great match – so keep it for the parental night out.

Salasai – this utilitarian one piece-overall is the bomb.  It would look fabulous with a white tee underneath and would rock with a leather jacket and heels as well as dressed down with trainers.  Magnificient. It’s also called The Baroness. Boom.

Will you be including one in your wardrobe? Have you already?  Are you a fan?

mmmmmwah x

EJ, the mother of the sisterhood x

I got a fire in my belly for you

My belly is on fire for the women I want to help and the sisterhood I want to be a part of. Styling looks so flamboyant and untouchable to most people and I hear them say to themselves “I could never do that”. But I want to tell you sisterhood – yes you can.

Styling is not an elite sport, it’s not for “everyone else”.  It is an awesome opportunity to create the external message you want to portray.

Spending time on yourself, taking care of how you look is not vanity.  It’s a careful curation in helping you to put your best self forward.

Your not trying to win Miss World – though a sash would be nice. You’re trying to be the very best you and styling yourself right can help that.

Back to the very first people who put clothes on, we have seen embellishment and adornment being used to better the outfit.  By adding pops of colour, a necklace, nail polish, a favourite brooch, it’s saying I care, I like this. It’s not saying (unless you want it too) “look at me”.

I want you to know that you’re allowed a personal style and it can be whatever you make it.  But make it say something. If you rock all black, then let that be your style, but do it to the best of your ability.

If you’re a busy, frantic, fabulous mum who needs to stay in active wear all day, cause it’s easy, you didn’t shower after your walk and you get hit with a bits of food all the time, then so be it. But let’s make sure you take the time to rock some great hair, get your nails did or feel bloody marvellous in that active wear.

If you work in a corporate and they expect a certain look, don’t hide from that, rise up to embrace it and the power that “power-dressing” can provide you.

Most of all though, personal styling is about offering you the opportunity to feel confident in your wardrobe and in what you wear on a daily basis.

I fluctuate between slouchy mum wear to an all out colour explosion and print extravaganza.  I usually only wear all black when I am  I in my active wear or when I have my period.  But that’s me, not you. You maybe completely different and that’s ok, I’m here to style you, not your size or in my style.

Personal styling can be your luxury, in fact, let it be your luxury.  It can be your investment in yourself, where you say I’m going to take the time to look good, feel great. I want my confidence back. I am so worth this experiences. I don’t want you to say you aren’t worth it or it’s for “other” women.  So why not you sister?

Don’t get lost in a sea of everyone. Help bring back that stunning smile and recognise yourself again, or finally discover who she is.  Be that through a wardrobe edit, a personal shopping experience or a style workshop.

When you’re ready to book, you can find me here: or click here for my packages.

You are fabulous and sensational and so freaking worth it.


EJ the mother of the sisterhood of style.

A chin-wag with the Sisterhood

Hey sister, so great seeing you here.  I love that you came to me, asking about my styling sessions.  I really value that you trust me to look after you.  We’re going to have so much fun uncovering your style.

Will I have to get my clothes off in front of you?

Babe, only if you feel comfortable.  I am no size 8 and know it can be embarrassing getting changed in front of others with your mum undies and bad bra on, or maybe you’ve got your sexy matching knicker set on, to make you feel outstanding. Either way, it’s up to you, but I reckon, you’ll get far more out of our session if you do get changed into the outfits we are styling.

Will you laugh at my clothes?

Honey would you laugh at my clothes?  No, there’s no way I’d do that.  This experience is special for you and you’re allowing me into your home, your sacred space and I’ll honour that.  With your permission I’m helping to find your style in your wardrobe and to get you to look at things anew. I want you to walk confidently into the world, head held high, styled in what you already own. If you see value in that, then you may like to book me to go shopping with you, but baby steps right? Let’s get your wardrobe sorted first.

What will you do though? How does this work?

I’ve loved putting outfits together since I was a little girl.  My love of style came from my gorgeous mum and grandmother. Firstly my grandmother.  She often wore a kilt with a  gorgeous brooch or pin. Her favourite colour was moss green and her jumper or cardigan always matched her skirt or kilt. My mum though, wow, just wow. She’s 70 now and rocks a fabulous personal style – all her own.  And that’s what I want to achieve for you.  Not being 70, but a confidence within you to style yourself daily. I suggest that you sort out your clothes that you want help with first, the clothes that you love or don’t know how to style. Or maybe the one trick pony that you brought on a whim and don’t know how to style it.  Then we’ll work on mixing and matching them with some sex, drugs and rock n roll, or you know, embellishments (like a scarf or necklace or a roll of the sleeve).  I’ll take photos of you in the outfits we style, so that you can access the pieces and looks we have created anytime.  At first you’re gonna feel awkward.  I can see it in my client’s faces, “jesus, what have I done, this woman is in my bedroom, going through my closet”. But quickly, I’ll  make you feel safe and secure. There’ll be banter, hard questions and some quick decisions. I will try to shake off some of the style shackles you’ve put yourself in and help you to embrace a whole new wardrobe.

But I don’t like what you wear!

That’s okay, I do. This is about you and what you wear that matters. I love how I look and what I wear and this is why I do this.  I want to share that joy with other women and make them feel more confident and crack open their own style game. ‘Cause you got this babe, you just forgot it was there or haven’t unlocked it yet.

What makes you think you can do this?

Well I know I have confidence in my style and I like what I put together. I’m training for a Diploma in Professional Styling, so I’ll have a piece of paper soon, if that floats your boat.  I’ve got a tonne of testimonials from happy clients.  I have an innate ability to put an outfit together and feel great in it and I have the ability to do it for others.  My mission is to help women find their confidence through style. I have achieved that with my clients already and I know I can do this for you. One client told me the experience was “life changing and everyone should have me in their closet”.  I want you to feel in control, with me riding shotgun, as your navigator.

Why do you do this?

Because it inspires me to help women. There are so many of us out there going about life just okay. One of the ways that can make a woman feel great is through her styling. This doesn’t mean dropping a wad cash, wearing designer clothes or being a snob. This means her dressing daily with purpose and attention. Attention on her. For her.  You don’t have to be getting accolades for your outfit (though, be honest, it’d kinda nice when you do), you just have to love what you have on and I guarantee you, like armour, it will help you face the day ahead.

Okay then, let’s get started, here’s my wardrobe…

Don’t be scared sisters, you are so bloody worth the effort.

Love EJ

Mother of the Sisterhood of Style x



My top three style secrets

Let’s hear if for the girls, let’s give the girl a hand. Sometimes she don’t talk sweet, but I don’t really mind.  I know some may say I swear like a potty mouthed trooper but I’m 42 so I think I earned my stripes. And (I’m gonna swear now)……..I just want to say thank fuck for you.

I’m celebrating the sisterhood today sisters, all of you and then some.  You’re a fabulous bunch of style mavens, queens, mothers, non-mothers, brilliant, kick-ass sisters.  I felt you deserved some celebration.

When I set my first style challenge on Instagram this week, I didn’t realise the bond it would create with strangers.  I have been so awed and impressed at everyone that has played along, messaged me personally, posted their pics on Instagram, shared their style creations and played along  with their sisters on the other side of the world.  It brought tears to my eyes and told me, I’m on the right track, the Sisterhood of Style is here for the right reasons.

So I thought I’d say thanks to the sisterhood and share my top 3 style secrets and how you can achieve your own Sisterhood of Style.

Make yourself count.  You are awesome – everyday, in every way, you get better and better.  I think that was in a children’s book I read once, or maybe it’s reminiscent of Judy Bloom’s “Are you there God it’s me Margaret”. I think I’m digressing.  As we age, we go through so many facsimiles of ourselves, we morph and we change like we do our underpants, but one thing I know to be true – once I hit 40, I felt more myself than ever before and that feeling gets stronger and stronger. So celebrate your age, your style, how you feel about yourself.  Don’t be beholden to who or what you think you should be.  Remember self doubt is a total dick. Let go of any hangups and just be you, you are plenty. To add to how you feel about yourself, make sure you present yourself in the very best way.  Your style says a lot about who you are and what you think about yourself, so make it count.

Break out of your comfort zone.  Try pushing yourself to try something new.  It doesn’t have to be a big something, it just has to be something.  Move forward.  From what I’ve seen with my Sisterhood of Style challenge and those using #sisterhoodofstyle this week on Instagram, there was a whole lot of trying new and pushing out of comfort zones.  It’s a marvellous thing. Keep going.

Show your own style. Consider your body shape, your attributes you want to accentuate, the things you love.  Is it your eyes, your rocking hips, your fabulous legs, your insanely amazing boobs, your defined waist, your gorgeous feet?  Hold that thought. Then consider what colours affect you, what colours make you happy and makes your eyes shine.  Buy those colours, accentuate those features that you love and don’t be afraid to have a signature style.  Mine is eclectic-bohemian with a dash of corporate funk. I made that up. And so fucking what, I don’t want to conform, I just want to be me and to be kind.  Not sure what that means? Well I love leopard print, stripes, maxi skirts and dresses, fitted but not tight pencil skirts, structured jackets, denim, printed trousers and bright colours and I do it with a smile on my face. I also like embellishment.  In fact, embellishment is the QUEEN of everything to me.  I am officially a magpie I’m that attracted to baubles and shiny things, feathers and accoutrement. So that’s mine, what’s yours? Take some time to hone it and own that sisters, it’s uniquely yours.

Love you all, this Sister is one happy mother of the Sisterhood of Style this week. Remember, if you need help in showing your style, then let’s talk, I can help.  Email me at for a chat.

The challenge this week and some of the things I wore.  Head on over to @sisterhoodofstyle #sisterhoodofstyle to see more.