What she said. A client tells all…

Sisters, if you ever wanted to know what a shopping session with me was like, look no further.  My gorgeous client has written me the most incredible testimonial.  I reckon it’s that spot on, that full of emotion, that honest account of a shopping sesh with me and the precise embodiment of why I set up Sisterhood of Style, that I felt it was worthy of a blog post.
From Katie, Mother of 2, 40 years gorgeous:
I’ve been trying to come up with the best way to communicate my thoughts about how our shopping session went. I think the best thing to do is to write a blog post – but I don’t have a blog to post it to! But you do…
Sooooo, I just turned 40. And if that wasn’t enough to deal with, I have 2 young kids (aged 1 and 3). I work 4 days a week in a corporate job. I’m no longer a toned size 10 (understatement of the century). I haven’t bought clothes for myself for years – unless they are either pregnancy oriented or ill-fitting snap purchases from cheap online websites so I can kid myself that it doesn’t matter if they don’t fit. I don’t really know my size any more. I’m still wearing maternity bras even though I stopped breast feeding 6 months ago (we moved house – actually country – and I still haven’t unpacked everything properly). They are way to big and baggy on me – just one of many indicators of how little attention I’ve given my appearance recently. I haven’t lived in NZ for 13 years so I am out of touch with NZ fashion and high street shops. I have lost all interest in fashion because nothing ever fits me (5 years ago I was self proclaimed (!) reigning Queen of London high street shops). Somehow, I’ve managed to lose all confidence in my own ability to look and feel stylish. And, I don’t have the time (or confidence) to tackle the shops on my own, only to walk away with expensive clothes that don’t really fit me.
So, for my 40th birthday, I decided I needed some help to get me feeling good about clothes and my appearance again. This Mother of Style, was EXACTLY what I needed. In our 2 hours together we managed not only to find me quite a few great outfits that I feel good in, but a little bit of confidence in my body, and in my ability to shop was restored.
Thanks EJ for taking the time to think about my wants and needs and for getting to the bottom of what was holding me back. Thanks for running round after me while I tried on clothes that were the wrong size or not quite right for what ever reason. Thanks for your patience and understanding and helping me to understand why I was unsure about something. Rather than me losing confidence in my ability to shop, you re-affirmed my gut feel about an item, by articulating uncertainty I was feeling, embracing it when warranted or gently challenging me to be bold. Thanks for the compliments when we found something that looked and felt great.
Thanks for keeping me in budget! In our 2 hour session, even though I came away with quite a few bags of clothes I love, funnily enough, I left a bit of baggage behind! And, the maternity bras are gone… for good! Its onwards and upwards from here. 
Thank you so much Katies for sharing your story, it made my heart sing and I felt so happy for you that you found yourself a little bit through our session.  Love your work. Mmmmwah, EJ, the Mother of the Sisterhood xo
If you’d like to get in touch to book your own shopping session, drop me an email emma@sisterhoodofstyle.com or dm me on social media @sisterhoodofstylenz

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