SOS Style Spotting – Trends of 2017


Welcome 2017, you’re looking good kid.  So much to look forward too and few things I’m going to want to avoid. I thought I would help set the 2017 tone, by giving you a little taster of what’s coming down the style highway.  You may want to queue at the lights or take a detour, but best you buckle up and a settle in for the ride, either way.

Colours – according to Panetone, the colours of Spring 17 are vitality, relaxation and the great outdoors.  Funnily enough, you may have seen a lot of these colours on the red carpet at the Golden Globes recently,  particularly the yellow & blush pink – check them out here thanks to this Mirror breakdown.


Puffer jackets & metallics – you’ll see more of the metallic look that came out this last winter season and they’ll be everywhere. Embellishment and metallics will still continue to dominate in other fashion as well – and a lot of Hollywood chose to wear them at the Golden Globes – I can’t wait for the Oscars!

Bad girl / rocker chick /I’m with the band – this looks seems to carry itself into every year, always with a little twist.  I like pairing a band tee with jeans and heavy boots, often in shades of black, but softening it with a bit of colour – the kale green or blush of the dogwood looks amazing with black.

Garden party florals will continue to trend, like Gucci’s “Into the Garden” collection in 2016, you will see florals and feminine trends still popular in 2017.  If you’re not into florals and pretty pretty in the full outfit,  but you kind of like the trend, try accessorising with a floral necklace or add a kaftan or jacket with floral attributes – you could even try and find some shoes that have a whiff of the style.

Super stripes – the rise of the super- breton? Apparently it’s getting an upgrade and stripes will be bolder, wider and more than just navy. This is definately one trend I will be keeping an eye on, as I love stripes AND leopard print and combined? – well the two of them make my heart sing.

Bra Tops/crop tops – I don’t have abs, I’ll be avoiding.  But they are a thing apparently in 2017 – wear with caution.

Deconstructed oxford shirts, ruffles & oversized shirts will still be a style staple.  In fact, on a recent shopping trip, I was overwhelmed by all the ruffles. I love them, but be cautious with them – only wear them on the parts you don’t mind accentuating.  Check out these suggestions I have sourced. Witchery sleeveless top , Zara oversized embellished shirt  or this from Zara – a truely deconstructed shirt.

Other trends and styles to watch are out for this year are Neon – a trip down the 80’s lane, I may just use neon to accent on my nails or accessories.  Khaki.  Kim K brought nude back to life and now she may help to bring khaki back in a big way. Belts, layering and wait for it  – gingham will also be flashing themselves across our universe. More style trends spotting can be seen here thanks to Vogue.

But all of this trend spotting needs to be treated with a sense of caution – you don’t have to buy it all and you don’t have to like it all.  Use it as a guide when shopping and add an item or two if you like what you see.  Being a slave to style trends is not worth it, be the gorgeous individual you are, know your body shape, what suits you, what colours make your eyes pop and what brings a smile to your face and buy or wear that. Here endeth the lesson.  đź™‚

Mmmwah, love EJ the mother of the Sisterhood of Style.

If you would like to book a styling session, or want to chat about any style related queries, then drop me an email and I’d love to chat. 





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