Book Now

To book a package please email or text me on 021 344 721 to arrange.

I offer personal shopping, wardrobe edits and style workshops.  If you want to know what a wardrobe edit is like, then read this.  If you would like to know more about a personal shopping session, then read my client’s gorgeous testimonial here .

img_5223 $210 for 2 hours or $410 for 4 hours

img_5222 $199 for 2 hours or $399 for 4 hours

img_5224 $45 per person, minimum 6 sisters

img_5225 $45 per month, minimum 3 months. You get me on call 3 x per month

Styling sessions are available in Auckland, New Zealand. If you live outside of this area, let’s chat about how I may be able to help.

Bespoke packages and collaborations and vouchers are all available on request.