What my clients say about SOS

From Nikki, after a four hour “Shop til you drop package”

I have already been raving about your services to all of my friends, family and colleagues.  I have to say that the day felt like a total indulgence of a day but it really is an investment in yourself.   I wish that I had done this sooner – the comments that I have been getting have been amazing and it’s a real boost to my confidence.

Our shopping day was a blast, I was apprehensive to begin with as I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it was amazing and you took the time to really listen to what I wanted and what I would and wouldn’t wear and worked within my confidence levels.

I am totally happy and feel like a completely different person with an amazing amount of confidence – I find that I am holding and walking with such a spark.  

This experience completed exceeded my expectations and for that I really thank you. Can’t wait to do it again 

From Natalie, after a “Let’s workshop it” Workshop

Hey EJ I just wanted to thank you for last night. You are such a wonderful and inspiring leader. You gave wonderful, practical and uplifting advice to all of us. Just want to add ahahah that I love your authentic & genuine want to help empower other women. I love how your self taught style & confidence through life is helping others #nocookiecutters  Definitely recommend! A group of us ladies did it last night wicked fun and so informative!!

From Sam, after a “Let’s workshop it” Workshop

The workshop was so great EJ !! It was so great to meet you ! You’re awesome ! Can’t wait to watch your journey

From Su, after wearing items from her shopping experience

Hi EJ, just had to tell you I wore one of my new outfits today for casual Friday, the skinny wax jeans I have to pour myself into, had their first outing – & have had so many nice comments – feeling good! Have a fab weekend 😄

From Carrie, after a “Let’s workshop it” Workshop 

I enjoyed the workshop so much!  Not only was it great to get with a bunch of girls for an evening about us (when does that ever happen??) But I also walked away with tips on two items I had not worn since I bought them.  They have both now debuted after attending the workshop and I love them!  Thanks SOS  – I’ll be back, next time with my accessories!


From Jo, after a “Let’s workshop it” Workshop 

“I came away from the Sisterhood of Style workshop feeling totally inspired to stop being so BORING with my wardrobe.  It is so easy to get stuck in a rut with our style (or in my case lack of!).  EJ has challenged us all to try wearing something a bit different from time to time….I needed that.

I was so impressed with how quickly you could solve wardrobe issues – within a flash.  That is a very clever talent!  You gave some great tips about being considered when shopping – something I have not mastered the art of, but am determined to try harder at!


From Nicola after our 2 hour “Are you in YOUR closet” package:

“Wow what a fabulous two hours spent with the stylish styler Emma@sisterhoodofstyle.com. Who would have thought some of my daggy old clothes could be re-invented to look so good.  Emma was very aware that it was MY style that she was creating, not hers and we had a ball.  It’s amazing what a scarf or even an extra roll of the jeans can achieve. She has given me a couple ideas of staple items that I could do with this season but basically we shopped in my wardrobe! I now have about 15 new outfits without spending a cent!  Next is to book in the shopping trip – can’t wait.”

“Tips for your clients:  the questionnaire before hand was brilliant, only took a few minutes but handy for Emma to start with.  I suggest that clients go through their wardrobe and pick out the items they want to get more use out of so Emma can use that as a starting point.  Handy to have wardrobe arranged by item eg dresses, tops, jeans, trousers, jumpers etc.”


From Susan, after my “Are you in YOUR closet?” session and a “Shop til you drop” package:

“Thank you for this afternoon EJ, I love it all, and you made it so, so easy, it was exactly what I needed – you are providing a fab service”