What’s your biggest style dilemma?

It’s 2017 and Sisterhood of Style is nearly a year old.  Welcome back to the sisters who have been here a while and a big warm welcome to those of you who are just joining my crazy style mission – to give women, everyday women, more confidence in themselves by unleashing their true style potential.

I got so excited while on holiday about where to take Sisterhood of Style, that I couldn’t wait to ask you this question as soon as I got back home today  – even before the bags are unpacked.  I poured myself a wine and did a cheeky post-holiday video.  Sans makeup, but armed with a hell of a lot of passion to help you get out of a style rut. So, pour yourself a wine or a kombucha if you’re doing dry January and consider this….

mmmmwah, love EJ, the mother of the Sisterhood of Style. xo

Book Now to discover a whole new wardrobe.

What to wear on your first day of work

I’m starting a new job on Monday.  I’ll be the new kid on the block, at 42, that’s no mean feat.  I’ll be making friendly chit-chat and skulk out on my own at lunchtime.  I’ll have to ask where the loo is, how to make the coffee, what the kitchen etiquette is and how soon can I bring in my dog.  Yes sisters, you heard it here first, it’s a dog friendly workplace. Winning.

But I know that all of that will be a whisper in the wind by the end of the week, once I’ve worked with these awesome new people for a few days and I get the hang of the place.

What I am becoming super preoccupied with though, is what the hell do I wear?  It’s not a corporate, but I’ll be working with corporate clients, it’s not a big company, but I’ll be working with big companies.  It’s not shorts and jandles and it’s not suit and tie.  It’s the…..dum duh num dum……the inbetween.  Aggggggh (think 1950’s screen siren scream here).

Is anyone else like me and on their first day of school, a new job or a wedding and you absolutely have to purchase a new outfit?  Or is that just me?  Well, it is me, I have to own that.

So, I have a pair of Zara nautical styled (more on that style theme in another blog post soon) trousers I purchased in Sydney recently, that I haven’t worn.  I am having them taken up right now, cause I’d look like Groucho Marx if I didn’t.  But that’s as far as I’ve got.  Bugger.

I don’t want to go full nautical, corporate or too casual.  I am in a quandary.  My old clothes from corporate-ville are maybe a little too tired, but I only need a top,  now I have bottom half sorted.  So it’s a top, oh and some shoes.  I got my nails done last week by Pop Nails and they are fab-u-lous.  So that leaves me needing just a top and shoes, maybe some earrings.  Oh shit. Ok, breathe.

So, work with me sisters,  maybe I suck it up, wear a top I already have and then add some cool shoes.  Wanna know the shoes I’m trying to decide between?  You do? Ok, check these puppies out from Gorman and then these gorgeous ones from Kathryn Wilson.  Swoon much? But I can’t have both.  I have also been coveting these ones from Augustine, but they frustratingly sold out over the weekend.  I need to up my game, as I keep spying things I love and missing out by waiting too long.  Anyhoo, I digress.

What’s really exciting about starting a new job at this particular place and in an advertising and marketing environment means I can wear a T-shirt to work and it not be a major faux pas.  Call me crazy, but that is just beyond amazing.  I’m not talking simple T-Shirt and no bling.  I’m talking blinging that sucker out with a necklace and jacket and some mules and some other stuff and things, but just the mere thought of wearing the T-Shirt, with adornment, has got me all hot under the collar.  It probably means I should make more of an effort to find that elusive perfect white T  that I’ve been hunting for then shouldn’t I.

So wish me luck sisters, the ideas could all change tomorrow, but I reckon I am pretty darn excited for what I have in store for me in this new role.  I can’t wait to learn new stuff, meet new people and get some serious shit done.  I am chomping at the bit.  It’ll make for some exciting satorial adventures again too.

If you want to see the whole look come together, make sure you follow me on instagram @sisterhoodofstylenz and check out my Monday morning post.

And sisters, remember, if you need help styling YOUR first day of work at a new job, contact me today to book a styling session,  I would love to work wtih you.  Email me at emma@sisterhoodofstyle.com today.

Mmmmmwah, love EJ, the mother of the sisterhood of style xo

White T-Shirt Tales.

Despite knowing better sisters, I have a deep love of white T-Shirts.  In my head, I look like a movie star, all oiled on the decollatage, perfect pointy breasts sitting nicely but not obviously in my tee, as I drape languidly in a chair sipping a wine on a balcony looking over Capri.  My long tousled hair gently falling over my shoulders and softly landing at the middle of my back.  We are eating a beautiful red tomato based meal as I  wear this white T-shirt and none of it slips, trips or falls onto it.  There are no stains or dirty hands, snot or otherwise near this beautiful crisp white tee.  None whatsoever.

Cut to reality.

White T’s and me have a love-hate relationship.  I love them, they hate me.  Well that’s not entirely true, but they don’t freaking love me all out like a teenage love, they just somewhat tolerate me and my boobs and hips and mummy-tummy, my kids snot, underarm “persperation”, makeup and pasta meals.

So why do I love them so much?  They are so simple to style well.  Dress them up with a blazer and necklace with jeans and call yourself done.  You can tie it at the waist, pop on a maxi skirt and look freaking gypsy chic sorted.  Wearing it with shorts, jeans, skirts, trousers, jackets, denim is all possible and I could go on, but I won’t ’cause white T-Shirts work with everything. End of story.

But there’s a hidden dark secret – finding  the right one can be hard.  Just like that elusive pair of great fitting jeans, white T-shirts can sometimes be an epic fail.  Especially if you have boobs, hips and a bit of under bra back bulge that white tee can be a little bit unforgiving.

So I’m on a mission my sisters, to find a great white T-shirt that can marry my boobs, my hips and my mummy tummy and tolerate my kids hands, snot and my deep love of pesto pasta.  I’m going to track it down before summer hits and I will let you in on the find.

In the meantime, here’s some that you could try for yourselves, because I absolutely believe a white T-Shirt should be in your wardrobe, ready at a moments notice to make you look effortlessly styled.

Kowtow clothing  recommended to me by an ace style maven,this tee has length in the arms, which I like – a lot. It’s choppy at $89 but could be a solid find.

ASColour is a favourite of mine, cause you can dress the whole family in T-shirts and sweartshirts with their special of 5 garments for $110.  Their fit is probably the most forgiving and I have high hopes of finding my summer tee here.  My only gripe is that the lower cut versions can be a bit gappy on the boob, but great fitting everywhere else.

Bassike I don’t own one, but I might, because I have heard on good authority they keep their shape and their cotton is durable and soft.

Then there are these options I recently found at  Decjuba .  I tried on all of their White tee offerings and it was an experience of great highs (I loved the look of all of them) and a brief low when I realised my assets got in the way.  🙂

So sisters, I haven’t found her yet, but I will persevere.  I will leave no white T-shirt unfolded.  I will prevail.


I’m a woman on a mission.  If you have found the perfect white tee, share it with the group.

Mmmmwah, love, the mother of the sisterhood of style.

EJ x